Assessment Study
environment for your future.

Just Advisorsy Services
a superior level of excellence to our customers.

feasibility study and much more to our customers.
Be assure for best service in domain with ECO Consultant Services.
M/s Eco Consultant Services established in the year 2008, Eco Consultant Services is ISO 9001:2015 certified organization. ECS is promoted by Dr.ShashakShekhar Mishra a professional with 18 years of experience in environment sector. ECS is a leading Consulting firm in India.
The organization provides consultancy services by end to end solution for environment sector. The organization is environment sector consultancy as well as organized professional services in the state of art manner, comprising a wide range of research and consultancy services in diverse area of environment management, community development project, program monitoring evaluation, and market research.
Accredited by NABET-QCI
Certificate No.: NABET/EIA/2225/IA 0109
The organization provides consultancy services by end to end solution for environment sector. The organization is environment sector consultancy as well as organized professional services in the state of art manner.